Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Yeah...um...my knitting......

Er.....what knitting? Well, that's not exactly right. There has been some knitting. I have been working on a new sock that I started in November at a public health conference. Still haven't done anything about finishing up the Kiri. If I weren't braindead when I got home from work I might get some knitting done....


Still no completed sweaters. I also haven't even started the 2nd blue sock.

Double sigh.

I'd say maybe this weekend since it's a holiday weekend, but I imagine something will come up and I won't manage to get that accomplished either. I *did* try to knit during the SuperBowl, but actually ended up watching the game instead. Oh well.....

1 comment:

Carrie Penny said...

Download an audiobook, lock the door, turn off the phone and just...knit...it works for me most of the time! I like Bill Bryson's History of Nearly Everything personally... Science and knitting/crocheting seem to go together quite nicely for me...